Our Services

Baby's Name Suggestion 宝宝起名
Choosing a name for your precious new born is the biggest decision every new parent faces. By analyzing the Five elemental balance of the baby's birth chart, we will provide a section of names that are the most suitable for the baby.
You can either choose one of the following set Services or Basic Service with your choices to create a personalized BaZi report for your baby.
Basic Service A - £128 (including 3-4)
Basic Service B - £158 (including 1-4) with a selection of 6 names
Basic Service C - £188 (including 1-4) with a selection of 12 names
Personalised Service Package - £150+ (Detailed analysis of the BaZi birth chart + selected items from 6-11)
Advanced Service Package - £300 (including 1-11)
Premier Service Package - £500 (including 1-12)
1- Brief analysis of the BaZi birth chart 简要命理分析
2- Five Elemental Preference 五行喜忌
3- Suggestions of names 起名概要
4- Suggestions of nick names 小名建议
5- Detailed analysis of the BaZi birth chart 详细命理分析 (£100)
6- Colour+Direction Preference 颜色方位 (£30)
7- Health 五行健康 (£50)
8- Education 学业发展 (£50)
9- Relationship with Parents 与父母关系 (£50)
10- Career Suggestions 事业发展 (£50)
11- Love and Marriage 感情婚姻 (£50)
12- Whole Life Analysis 一生整体命运分析 (£300)
13- Western Astrology Analysis 西洋占星综合分析 (£50)
A beautifully made BaZi report can be given to celebrate the birth of a child, for their naming ceremony, for a birthday or as a coming of age gift. Please request if this is for a gift.
Birth Time Selection 出生择时
After analysis the chart of both parents, you would be provided the best time of birth of your child that will be auspicious for the child as well as the family in terms of general luck, prosperity, fortune, domestic harmony, good health, etc.
Birth Time Selection Basic Rate - £100
Birth Time Selection in 1-3 days - £100+ £60 x days
Birth Time Selection in 4-6 days - £100+ £48 x days
Birth Time Selection in 7-9 days - £100+ £42 x days
Birth Time Selection in more than 9 days - £100+ £36 x days
Other information
✦ Bookings:
Please contact us by Email, Wechat or the Contact Form below.
Wechat: Julia_ran_chen
Written report for Baby Name and Birth Time Selection can usually be provided within 3 days from the day of booking confirmation.
✦ Information Required:
For Baby Name - Baby's birth information including date, place, time of birth and gender. You may also choose to provide the birth information of Baby's parents.
For Birth Time Selection - You and your partner's birth information including date, place, time of birth and gender.
✦ Venues: the Written report will be provided.
✦ Pre-payment: 50% Deposit is requested via Paypal or Bank transfer in UK £ Sterling, or Wechat transfer in ¥ Chinese Yuan.
✦ Cancellations: Please note, you can only reschedule the session once. If you need to cancel a session, the deposit will be charged.
✦ Afterwards: If you have anything not clear or short questions after the session, please contact us by Email or Wechat within 5 days after the consultation. Brief answers will be provided according to questions. Anything else needs a 'formal' follow-up consultation to be booked.